Item Find
It is often hard to find the specific items a user is looking for using the base RMS item search screen. The list of search criteria is limited and certain free form fields must be an exact match to return results.
The Item Find Plugin provides users with an exhaustive list of search criteria. Free form search fields are executed with a “contains” logic so if the word entered is contained in the field, the resulting item will be returned by the search. Users can even cut and paste a list of POs or Allocations to use in their search.
The Order Find Plugin consists of 1 RMS Bolt-on Screen.

How to order:
Our solution is available for on premise installations and also for cloud implementations including SAAS, let us know what your solution version is and what your preferred deployment option is so we can quote you the appropriate addon version.
Contact us on our website and our team will reach out to you shortly to provide you with pricing options that best fit your needs!